Founded in 1941 by Paul Angoulvent, translated into 43 languages, distributed, for French editions, to more than 160 million copies, the collection "Que sais-je?" Is one of the most important international databases, built for the general public by specialists.
The author's policy, the regularity of reissues, openness to new disciplines and new knowledge, the universality of the subjects treated and the pluralism of approaches constitute a network of information and knowledge adapted to the demands of contemporary culture.
3,800 titles have been published since the beginning, by 2,500 authors. In 128 pages, the titles of the collection offer:
summaries on all subjects;
introductions to discover a discipline;
monographs to explain the thinking of the greatest authors;
analyzes to understand the immediate news;
short essays to understand the world of yesterday and today;
work tools for the student, knowledge tools for all.
Encyclopedic collection, “Que sais-je? »Reinvents itself every day to provide access to the knowledge of its time:
new subjects, new approaches: "What do I know?" "Is enriched each year by around fifty new products. 800 titles are currently available in bookshops;
the "What do I know?" "Are constantly updated: around ten updated editions are published each month;
The ancient Greek comedy which flourished in the fifth century BC represents more than six hundred plays of which only eleven Aristophanes' comedies and thousands of fragments remain. This work traces the origins of the genre, its structure and its rules, by studying more specifically the work of Aristophanes, its dramaturgy and its relationship with the politics of the time, its comic and poetic art. A great place is also given to the buildings of the Greek theatre of the fifth century, its setting in scene, the course of the representations and the importance of the theatre in the city. Pascal Thiercy is professor of Greek language and literature at the University of Western Brittany, president of the French Institute of Ancient Theater and director of the Center for Studies and Representations of Ancient Theater. He also directed several Aristophanes comedies.